Thursday, April 27, 2006

A Year Off Aloha Style!

Sooo I decided that since my school is finished in August and I will have my Associates in Business Administration that I am going to take the rest of the year off and enjoy living in Hawaii! Some people call it laziness, I call it soaking up life while you can!! I mean we are only going to be here in Hawaii for one more year, I want to enjoy it while I still can. This last year has been nothing but homework! Online schools have more homework than traditional schools because they are accelarated. What was I thinking..LOL!


The Rok said...

I say Hells Yeah!! So, what are your plans for your new found free-time? surfing? biking? knitting? shopping? All of the above minus knitting, of course.

Thumper said...

Lol...I don't knit! The sewing-knitting gene kind of skipped over me! Shopping, biking, beaching, and just having a good time! :)

The Rok said...

Somehow I dont really see hand knitted sweaters being a hot item in Hawaii. A guy I used to work with said his life dream was to move to HI and sell hemp necklaces out of his VW van and surf.

Thumper said...

That is quite a dream! I have never surfed's alot harder than it looks. I'm scared to hit my head on the coral and have blood spewing everywhere and a big shark come and eat me. I'm sooo dramatic!