Monday, April 17, 2006

Good Easter

Today was a good day! We went to Waikiki for lunch..(a very non-traditional Easter) and took some touristy pictures. It was a nice beautiful sunny day! Later that evening Camilo bought me a new bike...yeah! Seriously I haven't hopped on a bike since I was like it has been awhile. Matthew got a new bike trailer to go in the back of Camilo's bike..for now. It is like a little house...tooo pimped out! So we went for a bike ride around 8 pm with some serious windage to deal with...but it was fun and now my butt hurts. I think I'll do it again tomorrow!!!


The Rok said...

NICE!! Welcome to the exciting world of biking. My buddy has one of those kid-trailers. It's good stuff.

Thumper said...

Yeah it is fun! But just fun for me...I am not going to turn pro cyclist or anything!!! :)