Tuesday, November 21, 2006

New job

Camilo moved to another section....the coolest section ever! He works at Marine Corps Air Facility in the hanger. It is awesome. I went to pick him up yesterday and as I was driving through the parking lot there is stop signs for jet crossing....how cool is that? Anyway I parked and realized I forgot my cell at home. I was a little scared to go get him because I wasn't sure if I would get yelled at or not. But as soon as I walked in there was a Navy Jet...soooooo cool. His office is on the second floor of the hanger. Another cool thing is that he is right next to the ocean.....jets and oceans? He is living life! Oh and today he is flying around the islands because the ghost flyer had extra seats. I am soooooo jealous.

My moms friend bought me a ticket to fly to Kauai with them! I can't wait! We get to explore the island all day....just the girls and Kauai.....should be good times! In other news..I updated my myspace page again. New profile pic was taken the other day! I was sick of old pics.


The Rok said...

Sounds like a sweet gig. The ghost flyer, that's the extra seats in the cockpit, right? I think I saw those on a movie called "Catch me if you can" with Leonardo Di.

My MySpace skillz are non-existent. I tried but failed. My only friend is Tom. :(

Thumper said...

Myspace is soooo easy! All you have to do is copy codes and paste them onto your profile. Try going to glitter-graphics.com and click on myspace layouts and scroll down until you see Guy Thing. That has some pretty masculine layouts. Once you find one that you like just go to edit profile on your page and copy and paste the code into your About Me section. Thats it...copy and paste codes.