Thursday, September 14, 2006

My friends Hawaiian vacay!

I had the best time with my friends from Illinois! I always find that people from Illinois are nice and so down to earth and just great to be around! Jaime and Brent had the best time here in Hawaii and we enjoyed their company. Here are some pics of their vacay. Some of them have me and matthew in them.


The Rok said...

I think I remember Brent. He was just a little kid when he was my neighbor, if it's the same guy I'm thinking of. It looks like you guys had a blast! Big smiles all around.

Thumper said...

Yeah, he said that his grandma lived in a yellow house right next to the old house you used to live in. We had a lot of fun, I miss them! You should check out my myspace page. I didn't like it at first but now that I am reconnecting with people that I haven't spoke with in years I like it.

The Rok said...

Cool page. I'm digging the blue. I may have to sign up for a MySpace page. I saw a link to Jamie K on there. I havent seen her in a while. Crazy-ness.