Sunday, June 18, 2006

Writers Block?

Lately I have had a hard time figuring out what the hell to write in the blog. There really isn't a whole lot going on with me. I have about 7 weeks until I get graduate....hallelujah! I can't wait! July 4th brings the wonderful BayFest in which Staind will be playing....whooo hooo! I was thinking about going to the high school reunion...but I don't know if I can. Camilo is scheduled to go to Fuji at the end of Sept. Whatever...I would like to see some people and probably avoid others at all! It's still a maybe if I will go or not. Oh I went to see the movie Poseidon..which really freaked me out. The whole scenario of being upside down in a ship underneath water is terrifying to me. I don't think I will be getting on any cruise ships any time soon. :)


The Rok said...

Yeah, I hear ya. My Blog posts have started to slow down also. It used to be a daily, now it's more of a bi-weekly. My comments section has lost it's luster. Slump-sville.

Thumper said...

Tell me about it! I really don't think I want to write about my daily dealings with homework and other boring issues everyday! Your blogs are interesting at least! And I have to say you have some interesting characters that comment...all though I am really sick of hearing about Good ol' Chuckie Norris :)

The Rok said...

LOLZ, That Chuck Norris is all about the Round House kick. So you saw Poseidon? I dont think I like cruise ships, anymore. I've been hearing wayyyy too many stories about people getting killed on cruises. Since the ships are in international waters, they cant be policed. Most of the times the crimes are commited by crew members from other countries. the worst they can do is send them back home. At least that's what i heard...

Thumper said...

Really? I didn't know all that. I just know that last year when I went on a whale watching exercusion with my mom and step-dad on a semi-big boat, I got sick. I didn't actually throw up...but I felt like it. My step-dad told me that all of the Japanese tourists were throwing up on the bottom deck....funny because the ship is used for dinner cruises mainly....I feel sorry for all the poor suckers who eat dinner on that ship...yucky!