Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Vacation but not!

Okay so Camilo has two weeks off...buuuut he is spending all of his time with Mommy dearest! I am stuck doing homework while they are out beaching it up! I am not bitter..really...I'm not. Monday I got a little break by going to Waikiki to stay at the Hilton Hawaiian Beach Resort and Spa. That was nice. I forgot my camera though, so I have no pics to share. I also went to see Mission Impossible 3...which was really good! Tuesday we were going to rent mopeds but decided to get this little dune buggy thing instead. It was alright if you like cars passing you by and laughing....:)


The Rok said...

Nice. Beach time privilages = revoked. How much longer is Mommy D in town for?

The Rok said...

Nice. Beach time privilages = revoked. How much longer is Mommy D in town for?

The Rok said...

whoa, double posted. GRRR!! Blogger hates me. :(

Thumper said...

LOL..blogger has been very evil lately...bad blogger!!! Mommy D is in town until the 16th....
It wouldn't be sooo bad but she has to be the center of attention 24-7. Yesterday she climbed on top of something at the Diamond Crater that she wasn't supposed to and everyone was looking at her like she was crazy...I think I mumbled "show off."