Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Remembering 10 years ago!

Okay so ten years ago this month...I was dating a fellow belleville east graduate....great guy! Not going to mention any names due to privacy rights..lol! Wow I can't believe it has been ten years since I graduated...I feel so old. I look back at the person I was and the person that I am now....big difference. Although my roots will always be in the midwest, I feel much more worldly now! I have learned to be independent and responsible as opposed to ten years ago! I was the queen of irresponsibility :) I have been to places that I thought I would never see...Times Square on New Years Eve, Central Park in the spring time, Rockafeller Center on Christmas, Washington D.C. and clubbing in Georgetown, San Diego and La Jolla, St. Petersburg, Fla....where I watched two grown men go skinny dipping....yes I hid their shorts, Losing Money in Atlantic City, Skinny Dipping in Virginia Beach, Bootcamp at Parris Island, S.C. and here I am now in Hawaii! I can only wonder where I will be ten years from now!!! :)


The Rok said...

10 years... that is pretty crazy when you think about it. If you would have ask'd me to put spandex on back then I woulda been all "HELL-to-the-NO!". I was not a biker shorts person in highschool. Well...we (Budda Hut Crew) were all pretty shocked when lil' thumper anounced she was going in to the Marines. But it worked out well for you. Life's funny like that.

Thumper said...

Yeah life is funny, everything worked out well for the both of us! I don't think I ever imagined going in the Marines...it was tough..but I am glad I did it :) I think the best part is that when I tell people that I was in the Marines I get the deer in the headlight look...that is always fun!

The Rok said...

It seems like there has been a lot of skinny dipping in your last 10 years! :-O Is that a Marine thing? Or a warm weather, couple of drinks thing?

Thumper said...

ummmm...a little of both I guess. Not really a Marine thing..just a Jenny thing..lol :)