Monday, June 26, 2006

Hammerhead at my door?

this weekend was pretty say the least. Sat I had a little party in the morning for all my lady and talk. Good times everyone had fun. Later that night we headed over to our friends house to watch 16 blocks with Bruce Willis...pretty good movie. Sunday we had a cookout with a couple of was pretty chill. Anyway after everyone left me and Camilo were watching a special on Sharks and spearfishing....when all of sudden there is a little knock on the door and here is our friend Matthew with a little hammerhead ironic. I felt really bad for the poor baby hammerhead, it's not like you can really eat them or anything. He was still alive a little bit and that just made me feel worse. Our friend said he was going to throw him back in but I think the poor guy was done for. :(


The Rok said...

That would be awesome in my fish tank! Too bad I don't have a salt water tank. Or any water in the tank for that matter. I haven't re-filled it since the move. My fish passed away. *Sob*. They were too big for burial at sea (toilet) so they got a traditional trash can funeral. They died of old age, i think. I had them foreva.

Thumper said...

Awww that is so sad! Yeah I know I gave away our fish tank once we got here. We had fish in Virginia (african cichlids). We had one because they are territorial and then we got another one and they pratically ate each other. Anyways I had to get rid of the one that didn't die because flying to Hawaii is a long trip for a little fishie. :( I was sad though. His name was Pig Boy.

The Rok said...

No way! I had cichlids, too! A Red Oscar and a Tiger Oscar. I had more in the begining but these big ones ate the rest. They were very piggish. I had such a hard time keeping thier tank clean. I think they liked the slop. If I put the tank together again, I'll get regular fish not sea porkers.

Thumper said...

Sea porkers? LOL...they are aren't they? Yeah the one african cichlid was a tiger and the other one was an albino...really ugly you could see all of his little fish veins..yucky. I named him whitey. It was hard to keep the fish tank clean..that is why I got rid of my fish tank...I was the only one who ever cleaned it. :)