So I got my braces off yesterday! That was an experience!
Anyway I am soooo happy with the results. Camilo went a little camera happy, so he took some pics of me last night. Taking pictures with Camilo is not fun, he is like one of the those photographers that takes an hour before taking the pic....oh and he gives you directions.. look left, look right, chin up, chin down. But he takes good pics.
Looking good, Smitty. Now doesn't that feel better? You look happier!
Awwww thanks!! Yes I feel much better now, much happier! :) I haven't been called Smitty in a really really long time....
Oh, that's right. No more Smitty's. No more LCpl Smith. LOL's! What was your final rank when you got out?
I was a CPL, which is called a Non-Commissioned Officer. Actually some of the hilarious guys actually still send me e-mails addressing me as Smitty. Their crazy though. One of my friends actually went blind after leaving the Marines....do you think anyone feels sorry for him? NOPE! Instead they send him naked pictures of women to his e-mail. It is sooo wrong! :)
DAY-UM! That's funny! The Ultimate tease, send a blind man nakid lady pics. That's wrong. I guess Playboy doesnt come in braile.
No Playboy doesn't come in braile..poor guy! That is just cruel. But that is the way the guys I used to work with are..
They call him The Gimp...no mercy!!! It is all in good fun though. Working with those Marines there was never a dull moment...pranks and jokes everyday.
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