Sunday, July 30, 2006

Beaching it up

Saturday we headed to the grand opening of Tiki Island. It's this new bumper boats/mini golf place a couple of blocks from our house. It was sooooo unbelievably crowded. But we suffered the disney land like lines for the bumper boats. The boats had water gun things attached so you can drench everyone around you. My mission....soak Camilo! I completely soaked him because the whole time we were in line "I don't want to get wet, especially my sunglasses." Ha ha! After that excitement we headed to the beach where the water was completely crazy. That didn't stop Camilo from getting in the water with Matthew despite the do not swim signs. Our friends Jairo and Claudia were also there with their son Tomas (a year younger than Matthew). Claudia is 9 months pregnant and still skinnier than!

Monday, July 24, 2006

Virus City!

We had such a busy weekend and now we are all very sick people! Camilo has allergies, Matthew has a bad stomach virus (his first illness ever)! I don't feel so hot myself.
Friday me and five other ladies went to Ruby Tuesdays for margaritas and appetizers. We are such pigs because we managed to buy all the appetizers and split it between all of us. There was no room on the was scary. Anyway while we were at Ruby Tuesdays, Jeff, Camilo and Christian were in charge of five! Camilo looked like he was going to drop on the floor from exhaustion.
Saturday we went to a B-day party for Matthew's friend...Matthew. There was at least 16 kids there....germ city! That was the night Matthew started getting sick. We went to watch Monster House and Matthew was fine, but the minute we pulled in the driveway, he threw up everywhere, it was bad. We had to take his car seat out and spray it down. I figured that it was just motion sickness, he has thrown up in the car many times..but never in the house. Sunday we had a baby shower/cook out to attend and on our way to buy a gift it was throw up in the car part 2. This time we were on the H3 and couldn't turn sucked! Anyway he seemed fine the rest of the day. BUUUUt today he threw up like three times in the house. I can't handle it....I hate seeing him sick :( So we are feeling sick and I don't think I will be leaving the house this week.

Thursday, July 20, 2006

Crazy weather

When I say crazy weather, I am not talking about Hawaii. I am talking about the wonderful mid-west. Every time I hear that they are about to have another storm, I freak out just a little. I had no clue what was going on last night in the midwest, because I was out enjoying a really good steak, celebrating my b-day.

I woke up and checked the internet and saw the headlines....I felt very scared and worried. I called my mom and she was okay..thank-god. They didn't lose their power or anything. I don't know what is going on with this crazy planet, but I think it is very angry with us! I hope everyone that I know in the midwest is okay....

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Happy B-Day to Me

Another year older... :)
I got flowers two days ago from Camilo, the delivery guy screwed up and delivered them on
I got Godiva Chocolates and white gold earrings from Camilo..:)
My mom sent money and a sweet b-day card! I feel so loved! Thanks to all who remembered, you make getting older kind of fun!
The flowers had a balloon attached, some little munchkin confiscated it...little balloon thief!

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Missing in Action

I have been seriously neglecting my e-mails and everything else in my life for homework. I have four and half weeks left before I am done with my undergrad in Business Administration. I am not excited, at this point...I just want it done. Since last July, I have been stressed out over homework and getting good grades. There are sometimes in life you ask yourself "What the hell am I doing?" Unfortuantely, I am asking myself those kind of questions. I am questioning everything in my life, my marriage...everything. It really sucks. Maybe everybody goes through this crap sometime in their life....

:( Woe is me.

Monday, July 10, 2006


We watched the UFC this weekend, a group of 20 people all in one room..yikes! I thought the fights were kind of boring this year..except the one with the projectile blood gushing all over the place...that was kind of cool. Tito Ortiz and Shamrock...ummmm disappointing....come on 1:18 seconds? Just a teaser. The last fight....well the guy in the tighty whities should have won! didn't go my way :(
Sunday sucked, I got woke up at 7:30 in the morning from my neighbor needing a ride to the ER. She was okay....but did I mention how far the ER is? It is across the island my friends...
I was an unbearable grouch the rest of the day. I think I am feeling down in the dumps because I am getting older.....28 next week....yucky.

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Staind Concert

So we went to the Staind concert on Sunday night and it was awesome! I just love them!
The fourth of july was pretty chill, we went to a friends for a cookout and then we headed over to the Bayfest for the fireworks...good times. Here is some pics from the Staind Concert!
Some of them are kind of dark :(