Monday, June 26, 2006

Hammerhead at my door?

this weekend was pretty say the least. Sat I had a little party in the morning for all my lady and talk. Good times everyone had fun. Later that night we headed over to our friends house to watch 16 blocks with Bruce Willis...pretty good movie. Sunday we had a cookout with a couple of was pretty chill. Anyway after everyone left me and Camilo were watching a special on Sharks and spearfishing....when all of sudden there is a little knock on the door and here is our friend Matthew with a little hammerhead ironic. I felt really bad for the poor baby hammerhead, it's not like you can really eat them or anything. He was still alive a little bit and that just made me feel worse. Our friend said he was going to throw him back in but I think the poor guy was done for. :(

Sunday, June 18, 2006

Writers Block?

Lately I have had a hard time figuring out what the hell to write in the blog. There really isn't a whole lot going on with me. I have about 7 weeks until I get graduate....hallelujah! I can't wait! July 4th brings the wonderful BayFest in which Staind will be playing....whooo hooo! I was thinking about going to the high school reunion...but I don't know if I can. Camilo is scheduled to go to Fuji at the end of Sept. Whatever...I would like to see some people and probably avoid others at all! It's still a maybe if I will go or not. Oh I went to see the movie Poseidon..which really freaked me out. The whole scenario of being upside down in a ship underneath water is terrifying to me. I don't think I will be getting on any cruise ships any time soon. :)

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Remembering 10 years ago!

Okay so ten years ago this month...I was dating a fellow belleville east graduate....great guy! Not going to mention any names due to privacy! Wow I can't believe it has been ten years since I graduated...I feel so old. I look back at the person I was and the person that I am now....big difference. Although my roots will always be in the midwest, I feel much more worldly now! I have learned to be independent and responsible as opposed to ten years ago! I was the queen of irresponsibility :) I have been to places that I thought I would never see...Times Square on New Years Eve, Central Park in the spring time, Rockafeller Center on Christmas, Washington D.C. and clubbing in Georgetown, San Diego and La Jolla, St. Petersburg, Fla....where I watched two grown men go skinny dipping....yes I hid their shorts, Losing Money in Atlantic City, Skinny Dipping in Virginia Beach, Bootcamp at Parris Island, S.C. and here I am now in Hawaii! I can only wonder where I will be ten years from now!!! :)

Friday, June 09, 2006

Diamond Head Torture Climb

Yesterday we climbed the Diamond Head Crater! It is 560 feet to the top with steep terrain and a lot of stairs! At one point there was 74 stairs going straight-up...very steep stairs. It has some wonderful views once you get to the top....if you don't pass out first from heat stroke! Here are some pics:

Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Vacation but not!

Okay so Camilo has two weeks off...buuuut he is spending all of his time with Mommy dearest! I am stuck doing homework while they are out beaching it up! I am not bitter..really...I'm not. Monday I got a little break by going to Waikiki to stay at the Hilton Hawaiian Beach Resort and Spa. That was nice. I forgot my camera though, so I have no pics to share. I also went to see Mission Impossible 3...which was really good! Tuesday we were going to rent mopeds but decided to get this little dune buggy thing instead. It was alright if you like cars passing you by and laughing....:)