Wednesday, May 31, 2006


I have been so busy since Camilo's mom has been in town that I haven't had a chance to write in the blog. We picked her up on Sunday and Monday was a full day of activities. Yesterday we were at the beach all day so that wore me out. She has a lot of energy! Here are some pics: These are of Mokapu'u Point. It is a long hike up a hill.

Thursday, May 25, 2006

Replace the horns with a halo!

okay so my mother-in-law is coming which means that my normal opinionated, stubborn self must start acting like an angel. This is going to be hard!!! I Love my mother-in-law, she is a pillar of strength and genuine character, we usually get along..but we have our disagreements on things like child-rearing and other issues. I must bite my tongue for Camilo's sake. He will get very very angry with me if I don't behave!!!! :)

Monday, May 22, 2006

Slow weekend

This weekend was very slow and Sat sucked! Friday we went to our friends house where we all got into a group discussion about cultural differences. Everyone there was Colombian except me...sooo I always feel a little on the outside. I really miss down to earth midwestern people! Colombians are really nice people they just tend to think they are better than everyone else. Anyway Camilo ended up getting a little drunk...soooo Saturday sucked. We didn't do anything because he was sick. Sunday we went bowling (where I totally won!) I don't let Camilo win....ever! After bowling we went to the movies, we were going to see the Da Vinci Code....but we had lil Matthew with us. So Over the Hedge had to do. After seeing Magadascar, The Wild and this one...all animated films are starting to look the same... :) That was the last weekend we will have to ourselves.....mother-in-law is coming on Sunday....until June 16th...gulp..double gulp.

Thursday, May 18, 2006

Camera Happy!

So I got my braces off yesterday! That was an experience!
Anyway I am soooo happy with the results. Camilo went a little camera happy, so he took some pics of me last night. Taking pictures with Camilo is not fun, he is like one of the those photographers that takes an hour before taking the pic....oh and he gives you directions.. look left, look right, chin up, chin down. But he takes good pics.

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Catch of the Day!

Camilo went spearfishing on Sat.
I just uploaded these pics of the fish he caught.
Personally when he comes home with fish..I get a little aggravated.
Fish are stinky!
I make him clean the fishies outside...:)
I don't like fish...

Sunday, May 14, 2006


Last year I made the decision to get braces.
I hated my teeth, so I got them on last February.
Wearing braces sucks! I got the clear ones...but still.
Everytime I went out to a club or ordered a alcoholic drink from somewhere..I got the "How old are you?" LOL!
I hated having my picture taken.....but all of that will change on Wed!!! My teeth are finally breaking out of prison!!! I can't wait!
Camilo says I look sooo cute with them...(love is blind)

Friday, May 12, 2006

Pics from last night

Camilo took me to this spot that is around the cove. This is the area that he goes spearfishing in. This was the first time I have ever been there...and it was absolutely tranquil and gorgeous. The funny thing is, is that this spot is like a five minute walk from my house....:) The pics are kind of dark because it was about to rain on us!!

Wednesday, May 10, 2006


Wow, I have no motivation to do homework or anything this week! I hate feeling like that. I have so much going on next week that I am trying to get as much of this weeks and next weeks homework done...I am just mentally exhausted. Camilo and I are going through a situation from hell. Back in July of 2004..before we moved out here, Camilo let a friend (a fellow Marine) take over his Grand Cherokee Laredo's car payments. The whole deal was that the Marine find a loan of his own...yea right. I was dead set against the idea from the beginning....forseeing the worse possible scenarios. Well the scum bucket stopped making payments, got kicked out of the Marine Corps for drug use and was hiding the vehicle from us. He moved to Texas and we could not reach him. We talked to his mother and father who both covered for his punk ass. Camilo got the police involved and they were excellent. They located the vehicle but the jeep is no longer running and has a huge crack in the windshield. It just sucks! I mean Camilo is going to have to fly to Texas and figure out what the hell to do with this vehicle that we are still paying on. I am soooooo unbelievably frustrated because I told Camilo that this would happen. That you never mix vehicles, money and friends together. :(

Monday, May 08, 2006

Cinco De Mayo and Goofy Pictures!

Cinco de Mayo turned out to be pretty fun! We went to Aloha Tower where we had some was waayyyyy to crowded! So we left and went to a latin club called Los Palmas. We had more margaritas, dinner, more margaritas! Anyway I got serenaded by a mariachi band...that was soooo sweet! I felt so special. Here is some really bad pictures!
Oh and we danced salsa... The pics are awful...we were a little gone by the time the sombrero reached us!! I didn't know whether to laugh or be serious when the sombrero reached me..hence the weird face!

Thursday, May 04, 2006


Sooo I got my mothers day present early! I wasn't expecting it and it was an out of ordinary present for me....but I am not complaining. Camilo suprised me with a brand spanking new IPod yesterday. It has 30GB so I can download 7500 songs..yeah right! Anyway it is sooo cool, Camilo must have sensed my need to drown out the world!! My new favorite song is Over my Head by the Fray.

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Nice Wake Up Call!

Well if there is one thing that I don't want to hear first thing in the morning it is : The State of Hawaii is under a Tsunami Advisory.
I was really scared there for a little bit. The Marine Corps Base is a little peninsula and there is no escaping water. We are completely surrounded! Anyway the advisory was cancelled....and all is normal..for now anyway. The pic above is the aerial view of base.

Monday, May 01, 2006


Well we didn't do much this weekend. Friday, Camilo came home tired..very tired and he had to wake up at 2:00, 4:00 and 6:00 a.m. to do role call for Marines that were flying to another Island for training. Saturday me and Yolanda went to lunch at Dave & Busters and then to the movies to see Stick It. It was actually funny. One good line: "Dude, you just took a bite out of my moment, how did it taste?" The other guy "Delicious." I thought that was pretty funny. My friend Sara called me to go dancing at Zanzabars on Sat night..but I declined :( I was too tired. Camilo went biking to Kailua on Sunday (without me). Later we had a cookout with some friends at my house. We made Carne Asada, ribs, regular salad and my famous pineapple salad. It was yummy! Next weekend is Cinco de Mayo so we might be going to Aloha Tower for some festivities.